配置Nim的默认编译参数 release build并运行
默认情况下nim编译是debug build,如果需要release build, 需要加上-d:release ,
release编译的命令如下:nim c -d:release xx.nim
release build并运行:
nim c -r -d:release xx.nim
debug build出来可执行文件体积稍大,并且目前对来我说没有用。
# Configuration file for the Nim Compiler.# (c) 2017 Andreas Rumpf# Feel free to edit the default values as you need.# You may set environment variables with# @putenv "key" "val"# Environment variables can be accessed like so:# gcc.path %= "$CC_PATH"cc = gccrd:release.........
之后当你执行nim c xx.nim
nim c -r -d:release xx.nim
2018-01-18 18:30:00 codegay